Arco Near Me

The customers of ARCO Gas can locate the ARCO near me using the ARCO gas station locator in the company website and with this gas station locator the nearest ARCO Gas Station can be found out from any place.

The Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) was created in January, 1966 by merging Atlantic Refining Company and Richfield Oil Corporation. Apart from the US this American Oil company carries out its operations in Mexico, South China Sea, the North Sea and Indonesia.

Arco Near Me - Arco Gas Stations

Arco Near Me – Arco Gas Stations

In the western part of the US alone the company has more than 1300 gas stations and in northwestern Mexico the company has five gas stations. ARCO with its headquarters in Los Angeles was bought by the Oil giant BP Amoco in the year 2000.

BP Amoco is now known as BP PLC. During the period 1995 – 2000, AECO sold almost all its petrochemical, coal, minerals and solar energy assets.The company was also operating own transportation facilities for liquid petroleum.

As a result of the acquisition of ARCO for $27 billion in the year 2000, the British Oil company BP PLC doubled their stake for natural gas in the Prudhoe Bay. The acquisition made BP PLC the second largest oil company in the world.The customer can locate the ARCO near me using the ARCO gas station locator in the company website

The natural gas field found by ARCO in Indonesia is one of the largest natural gas reserves found out recently. As a result of this finding Indonesia became the most important country for ARCO as far as future business is concerned.

A huge liquefied natural gas project was planned by ARCO and Pertamina together and the project mainly depended on the Tannguh field. Pertamina is the largest marketer of LNG andit has 50& share of the Asian market. Pertamina is the Indonesian state oil company.There is huge demand for the LNG products of ARCO which are supplied from eastern Indonesia.

The natural gas field of ARCO in Indonesia is at an ideal location so as to tap the business potential of the Asian markets which are expanding very fast. This huge gas field of ARCO in Indonesia has reserves of more than 13 tcf of natural gas.

There are possibilities for additional reserves of 6.5 tcf. Tannguh is the third largest natural gas field discovered by ARCO. Though it is an onshore and off-shore field, most parts of the field are offshore in about 225 ft of water. Exploratory drilling was continued by ARCO in order to tap the entire reserve.

According to the customers who regularly visit the AECO gas stations, the gas stations are maintained perfectly clean and the gas stations are at ideal locations. However, customers were disappointed to find that there are no restrooms at the gas stations. According to customers, the attendants at the ARCO gas stations are not accepting credit cards.

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